Friday, December 31, 2010


Ok so here are some random memories from Christmas break!
Ok so on Sunday (the day after Christmas) i dressed my cousin up like Justin Bieber. How do ya like it?
The real Justin
My cuzin Sabrina as Justin

It was pretty dang fun!

I was doing my makeup in my bathroom and my brother Josh walks in and says, "Does makeup hurt?" And i said no and then he said, "I want some!" So i did his makeup and he rubbed it off. Here is how it turned out:

He looks like an axe murderer! Anywho thats what happened!

Here are a few nature pix that i took with my new camera..

I am pretty proud of them. Well thats all for now.

New Year Allready?

I can't believe 2010 is allready over. Seriously, it's crazt how time flies. And i am so scared to be 15...i don't really now why, i guess just because i'm seriously growing and getting older. That freaks me out! Anyway, Here are some of my new year goals in no paticular order! They are cheezzyy but serious to me.

1. Be more active. I am so lazy!
2. Be a better sister. I'm kind of a jerk.
3. Be a better friend. I am in a bad mood alot. Sorry friends...
4. Get organized. I am so unorganized, it is insane. (Is that how you spell it? (Hehe))
5. Save my money and get a new wardrobe. I am falling apart. But Christmas was nice!
6. Obey my parents more. I'm very defensive...we will leave it at that.
7. Have fun. I have no life. I'm such a bum!
8. Write in my journal, or record somehow. Does this blog count? (Hehe)
9. Attempt to only listen to good, pure music. This will be a real challenge.
10. Talk to people. I am really social if i know the person, but i don't think i'm all that friendly.
11. Be a nicer person in general. I need to be less dramatic...sorry parents

So basically; Be nicer, More responsible, and choose the right i guess. Here goes nothin'. Wish me luck!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day

This Christmas was pretty legit!
On Christmas Eve the elves always bring us PJ'S! Here are mine this year!
 Our tradition is that all the kids sleep in the smae room on Christmas Eve night. I don't know why, but it is always really fun. When we woke up we were super excited! We went down stairs were our parents were waiting and saw what Santa brought us. Here was my reaction! Hey, my shirt matches the word...LUCKY!
 Here are some pictures:
My Pile! Santa new what i wanted! Thanks Santa! :)
Here are some pictures up close of a few things i got!
New Camera!
Hair Dye!
David CD and Book!
A new purse and backpack!

Scarves and clothes!

New Moon sweater!
New Pillows! (I LOVE Pillows)
This is how th Pillows look on my bed!
So i had an awesome morning. After a while my grandparents came to see us and what we got. This is them!
Then we went to our family Christmas Party. Here are some pix!
It was indeed the best! I had a blast! When i got home my sister Lindsey took some pictures of me in my new clothes. Here are a few!

Pretty legit huh?! Ya!
Here are some misc pix from through out the day. There aren't a lot because pretty much my whole family said if i posted any pix of them, they would personally kill ya...   :)
Christmas Mornin'!
Our new dog!
To the party!
Jordan (AKA Justin Bieber!)
Josh obbsessed with his DS thingy. He is playing with our cuzz!
Jordan chillin' in his room!
The guy that is picking up the baby...yep him, he is goin' on a missiom. His fair-well is tomorrow! Good for him!
Our decorations and Christmas tree (Pathetic and cute!) Those are our new ornimants on the fireplace! And our home made wreath done by Josh! He is quite the artist!

So that was my pretty legit Christmas 2010! It was super fun and exciting!!! Now its over :( But of course we must never forget the true meaning of Christmas! Christ's birth! Christmas is really just Jesus's B-day! Keep that in mind! Merry Christmas 2010!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Everyone should tell someone to have a merry Christmas, because who knows, you could make someones Christmas a whole lot better! I probably won't post anything over the Christmas break, so i will probably have my next post posted on a New Year! So happy Holidays and Happy New Year...almost! Bye Bye :)


So i know i have some family and friends that live far away that read my blog that don't have a blog but they read this often, so here are some pictures of me without braces. Finally! Sorry it took so long! These pictures were taken from my sisters camera at a park...and i am still in my uniform, but at least i have no braces right?! Enjoy them!

(This next one is my favorite!)

So that's me without braces! Hope you enjoyed! I will post more later...when i am not in my uniform! :)


I just thought i would do a post on my little brother Josh. He is 7 years of age. He likes legos, cereal, and my moms i-touch. He loves knock-knock jokes and he is always making someone laugh. He is super funny, and he can make the funniest facial expressions! They just crack me up! Here is one of them. It is kind of creepy. Viewer discresion is advised. (Laughs)
He is quite the prankster. He is always playing pranks or coming up with mischevious plans. He loves to laugh and his laugh is histerical. Even if you don't know him, if you hear his laugh, you will crack up laughing. He lives off of cereal, bread and anything with sugar. He is ALWAYS ful of energy and never calms down! He likes to watch movies and play with family and friends. He is addicted to his game station thingy and of course the wii. He is always playing it.
He plays soccer and he does hip-hop. He is a little stinker sometimes but he always gets out of things with his adorable stinkin face! You can't say no to it! He is generally a pretty happy person, but some things that do make him really mad are when people squeeze his sides and when i blow on his hair. He is really creative and is a great artist. He is very sweet to girls and is very gentalmanly most of the time. He tells my mom and me and my sisters that we are beautiful, and he always compliments us. He will be a great husband one day. He is a bad liar, but its funny to watch him lie, because he starts to laugh.
Josh is super sweet and is always trying to cheer people up. A few of his nick-names are: munchkin man; baby; joshewashewashewa. Those are the main ones. Josh is super hyper, he is like one of the energy bateries that never run out of energy. He is always smiling or laughing. He is very curious and mischevious. He is super goofy too. Josh is awesome and a great brother. I love him to death!
That's Josh!

I will do more posts about my relatives some other time :)

Quote of the Month

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, but to learn how to dance in the rain." -Author Unknown