Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pointlessness...or is it?

Ok, you know when you get that feeling of uselessness and when you know you have stuff to do but you just don't wanna, well that is me, right if you should or could be doing something better than to sit and  read this right now...go do it!
I was thinking that if i have this blog still, in a year or so, some of the things that seem pointless now, will be fun to read then. So this post is just a little bit about me at the moment.
Lets see...
What is you'r pet peeve?
Smoking in public...but seriously why do it at's practically suicide.

What is a bad habbit you have?
Eating when i'm bored, even if i'm not hungry. Also i blog random "pointless" this!

What is something on your life bucket list?
Conquere (if thats how you spell it) my fear of higths.

What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself?
Physically...umm...longer hair! And maybe to be less annoying :)

Whats something you wish you could change in the world right now?
Homelessness...i wish everyone had a home!

Favorite item of clothing/acssessory?
I like shoes...and bracelets i guess.

What smell do you hate or like?
I love vanilla and i hate the smell of sardeenes!

Guilty pleasure?
Watching youtube videos; how-to videos and blogging pointless crap!

Have you ever lied and never told the truth or apologized eventually?

Do you have a crush?
There are some hot guys at school and stuff, but i'm not like drooling over anyone right now.

If you could be in a movie what movie would you like to be in? Why?
Eclipse or Inception. Eclipse cuz i want to hug Taylor Lautner! And Inception cuz i want to meet Leonardo Decaprio and the movie overall looks fun to be in!

Whats something that you say randomely, like a favorite word?
Holy Hannah (thanx to Lindsey) and I say noob alot. Don't ask...

Whats a wierd addiction you have?
I don't think i really have an addiction, but blogging maybe.

What is something that really makes you laugh hard?
Fail and my lil bro Josh

Who is your favorite actor and actress?
I like alot...Amanda Bynes; Reese Witherspoon; Katherine Heigl; Leonardo Decaprio; and of course TAYLOR LAUTNER!!!

Something wierd about you?
I talk to myself and i mumbble alot! And way more...too many to name!

Thats all for now...and for those of you that actually read this...get a life! JK, thanks for reading!

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Quote of the Month

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, but to learn how to dance in the rain." -Author Unknown