Monday, November 1, 2010

Oh Wow!!

Ok so today Lindsey had to pick me and carpool up from school; so she picked me up at the old bowling alley school and then as we were going to get Sam, our carpool, 'i directed her' into the curb. She ran over the curb and popped the tire!! All i could say to Lindsey was, "Oh wow!" and she said it was my fault because i am bad at directing. And it was even the same tire that she had driven over a few weeks before. So i went and got the assistant headmaster, Mr. Norris, and he got the Lindon Utah PD Cherif (if thats how you spell it) and he came and fixed the tire. It was very nice of him but it was super awkward while he was fixing it because me, Lindsey and Sam were just standing there awkwardly. But after he was done fixing it we said thankyou and he said, "No problem, it gives me something to do instead of being stuck in that office all day." So i thought that was really funny. Well we were on our way and before we knew it, we were home, but it was a very funny moment. But no worries, we and the car are allright and we luckily had an extra tire! But it was funny anyway! Be safe drivers!!!  

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Quote of the Month

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, but to learn how to dance in the rain." -Author Unknown